Month: December 2022

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Risk Management Tips for Martial Arts Schools

The world of martial arts is a fast-paced and exciting one. There’s nothing quite like watching your students develop their skills, get stronger and more agile with each passing day. As an instructor, martial arts risk assessment can be vital in protecting your business and ensuring the safety of your students.

How to manage risks in your martial arts school

  • Identify the risks
  • Evaluate the risks
  • Control the risks
  • Monitor the risks

A good risk management plan will help you to avoid many of the risks that can cause problems for your business. However, there are some risks that are out of your control. You should have a contingency plan in place if something unexpected happens. Having insurance is an important part of this. Contact us for more information.

Consider safety protocols

Safety protocols are a vital part of any martial arts school. A few examples of safety protocols to consider include:

  • Reviewing safety protocols with your instructors on a regular basis and ensuring that they are enforced by the head instructor and followed by all other instructors.
  • Implementing safety protocols with student and parent participation, including all students, parents, and other staff members.
  • Establishing a system for handling injuries so that the right steps can be taken immediately if someone has an injury during class or practice time.
  • Don’t overpopulate your gym. A crowded gym is more likely to have accidents.
  • Use high quality gear for protection such as mouthguards and headgear
  • Do not allow students to spar unless they are comfortable and experienced enough to do so safely
  • Implement a protocol in the case of concussions and other injuries.
boxer striking

Consider training equipment

As you consider equipment for your school, it’s important to keep in mind the age and skill level of your students. For example, children under 10 years old should not be practicing striking techniques or sparring with adult-sized equipment.

Also, consider the type and price of the equipment in relation to its lifespan. If you have high-quality equipment that will last for years but costs more up front than low quality gear that must be replaced every few months, make sure you look at the long-term cost as well as short term savings.

When purchasing new protective gear (such as headgear or mouth guards), choose ones that are high quality and durable, so you know they’ll work well, and they’ll be less likely to have injury-causing defects. If possible, try out several styles before making a final decision on what works best for each member of your class.

Consider hydration

Did you know that staying hydrated is important for your students’ health and performance? Dehydration can pose serious risks for martial arts students, so it’s important to keep them hydrated throughout their training and competition.

When a student is dehydrated, they may experience symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, or nausea. If they don’t get enough fluids before training or during training sessions, they’re at greater risk of being injured. The same goes for competitions! If a student doesn’t drink water during competitions (or even just practices), then they’re more likely to be injured during the match.

Dehydration can also make it harder for students to focus on learning new skills or sparring with other students in class—so staying hydrated helps to ensure everyone stays safe both inside and outside of school hours.

Consider hygiene and sanitation

Cleanliness and sanitation are important in martial arts. In fact, they’re essential. There are many places where cleanliness and sanitation can be overlooked at a martial arts school. Consider the following areas:


Schools may have a variety of equipment, such as punching bags, weights, ropes, and protective gear. These items should be cleaned after each use to help prevent infections from spreading among students who use them regularly.

Floor & Wall Mats:

Mats used for grappling or sparring often get dirty quickly due to sweat and bodily fluids that get on them during training sessions. Schools should ensure that mats are cleaned after each session, so they remain sanitary for new users every time someone trains on them again.

Bathrooms and Changing Rooms:

These locations can be difficult to keep clean because they’re used by many people throughout the day. Keeping on top of this can help to reduce any potential spread of infections such as staph.

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Consider abuse

It’s important to note that abuse can take many forms. In addition to physical abuse, there is also verbal and emotional abuse that can occur in martial arts schools. It’s important that instructors safeguard students from all types of abusive situations. Students may be subject to violence at home or school, and instructors must ensure their safety during training sessions.

In addition, if you own a business, you’ll want to protect your employees from workplace violence by implementing procedures for reporting incidents as well as conducting employee trainings about appropriate behaviours at work.

Other risk you need to consider

Remember that as a martial arts school, you’re not just on the hook for potential physical attackers. You also need to consider risks of fraud, theft and other legal action from students and parents.

In addition to these common-sense tips for managing risk in your business, be sure to ask one of our brokers at Combat Sports Insurance about our policies covering these risks, as well as risks you cannot control such as arson or flooding.

Ensure you’re protected with the right insurance

The first step in protecting your business is making sure you have the right insurance for martial arts schools. Here’s what to look for:

The right martial arts insurance can help you affordably protect your business and the people who depend on it. It’s important to have the right coverage in place so that if an accident occurs, there are no gaps in protection. Contact us at Combat Sports Insurance today to learn more about our policies and how they can benefit your school.

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Guide To MMA Gym Equipment for Start Ups

MMA gyms are a great way to get in shape and learn how to defend yourself if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. If you’re thinking about opening an MMA gym, it’s important to know the ins and outs of your equipment before you dive in head-first. This guide will walk through what MMA gym equipment is required for startup gyms.

Punch Bags

Punch bags are a great way to work on striking, both for beginners and advanced students.

There are many different types of punch bags available for use in your gym, but some of the most common include: heavy bag, speed bag, double end bag and Muay Thai kickboxing bag. Each one has its own benefits.

When buying a new punch bag, you should consider the following factors:

  • Durability – You want something that will last through years of use by yourself or other members of your gym. Punching is an intense workout so make sure that whatever you buy can withstand repeated blows from any type of strike (punches, kicks etc.).
  • Material – The best material choice is leather because it’s durable enough not to split over time but also soft enough not to be damaged by repeated strikes against hard surfaces like concrete floors or walls.
  • Size – How much room do I have available? What size bag suits my needs and size as well as my students?
  • Height – How tall are you? Does the height of the bag suit your size as well as your students?
  • Weight – Will you be using heavy bags? Or standard-weighted boxing bags?


When you are starting out, you may not have the resources to buy all the equipment that you need. In this case, it is a good idea to invest in some basic items first. Gloves are an important part of every mixed martial arts gym and should be considered by almost any new coach or athlete.

Choosing the right pair of gloves will depend on what your goals are as a coach or student. If you plan on teaching more advanced classes, then consider getting heavier gloves with more padding that will last longer than standard MMA gloves. However, if your goal is just to get started quickly and cheaply while still ensuring safety for yourself and others around you, then standard MMA gloves could work just fine!

Coaching Equipment

Coaching equipment should be a priority for any beginner MMA gym. It’s not just for coaches, it’s also used by members as well. The better quality your coaching equipment, the better results you’ll get from your training sessions.

Some of the most popular pieces of coaching equipment include:

  • Focus mitts and pads – focus mitts are very useful in boxing; they protect both fighters’ hands and give them something to hit on the bag or pad holder’s gloves. Pads can be used with either fists or elbows, depending on preference and what part of their body a fighter wants to train. In both cases though, it is important that these tools are made using high quality materials so that they last longer than cheaper alternatives!
  • Thai pads – Thai pads use two striking surfaces instead of one which allows more flexibility during training sessions
  • Kicking shields – Kick shields provide cover when kicking techniques are practiced as well as protecting legs during sparring matches
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Protective Equipment

When you’re investing in gym equipment, proper protective equipment is the most important thing. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Safety first! This means gloves, headgear, shin guards and groin protection for your sparring partners. Mouth guards are also a must if you plan on involving sparring.
  • Depending on the type of training you’re doing (sparring/gym) there are a variety of options for hand wraps and knee wraps as well as shin guards and chest protectors. Make sure that whatever gear you choose is comfortable yet provides proper support so that it doesn’t hinder your performance during workouts or training sessions!
  • When purchasing new equipment, it’s always best to try it out before buying – especially when it comes to sizing. You should be able to try different sizes until finding one that fits properly without being too tight or too loose squeezing into place comfortably around all parts of your body where they need protecting most (i.e., wrists/ankles).

Training & Fitness Gear

Your gyms should also focus on basic fitness equipment for strength and conditioning. If you’re just starting out, there are a few basic pieces of equipment you’ll want to look at as a priority, such as:

  • Jump ropes. These can be used by anyone and are great for conditioning. They’re also lightweight and easy to store.
  • Chin up bars. This is another piece of equipment that can benefit everyone at the gym, but especially beginners who are still learning how to properly execute chin ups and pull ups.
  • Weight machines: These come in several varieties depending on what part(s) of your body you want to work out. There are many different types out there; find one suited for your needs!
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Mats & Wall Padding

It’s important to know the difference between padded mats and wall padding. Padded mats are used for most martial arts, like boxing or kickboxing. They help absorb the impact of any collisions with the floor which could result in injury.

Wall padding is mostly used for grappling sports such as wrestling and judo. Some walls have hard corners which can injure someone if they fall into it during a match, so it’s good to have some soft material around the edges of your room in case something happens unexpectedly!

What else do you need to get started?

Now that you know what kind of equipment to buy, let’s take a look at some other things you should consider when opening your MMA gym.

Do I need a license?

If you plan on teaching martial arts classes in your gym, then yes! It’s important that instructors have the proper training and certification so that students get the best experience possible. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for acquiring instructor certifications at affordable prices.

Do I need insurance?

Yes! If someone gets injured during training or at an event hosted by your business, then it’s important that they can seek compensation from the gym owner or operator—and for this process to work smoothly, it must be properly insured against these claims. We offer coverage specifically designed for small businesses like MMA gyms.

The type of insurance coverage you need will vary with each individual situation, but there are some commonalities among all MMA gyms that make certain types of coverage necessary. Contact us to find out which insurance policies can be tailored to you and your business, or check out our blog; “What Insurances Do Martial Arts Instructors Need?”

Starting an MMA gym?

By now, you should be ready to go out and buy the necessary equipment for your gym. Remember that you can always adjust your equipment later as necessary but having a base of knowledge is essential to making good choices at the outset.

It’s important not only to always have the right pieces of equipment available, but also to make sure they’re being used properly by every member of your team! We hope these guides have been helpful in helping you understand what goes into setting up an MMA training facility from scratch. Setting up a new MMA gym? Contact us to get on the right track.