Month: September 2022

kickboxing insurance

How Does MMA and Kickboxing Tournament Insurance Work?

As an event organizer, you understand the importance of having the right insurance in place. You work hard to put on a great event for your fans and spectators, and that includes making sure that everyone is safe. However, there are many insurances that are needed to make sure that everyone stays protected throughout the process of planning and running an MMA or kickboxing tournament. If you want to learn more about these insurances, read on!

As with most insurance policies, it is important that you understand how your policy works.

As with most insurance policies, it’s important that you understand how your policy works. Your policy is a contract between you and the insurance company. The terms and conditions of this contract are clearly outlined in your policy.

As such, it is vital that you read through all the terms and conditions carefully before deciding to purchase MMA or Kickboxing Tournament Insurance. Failure to do so could result in misunderstandings about what coverage you have purchased and how much it will cost, as well as disputes over who is responsible for paying for repairs or other damages related to accidents at tournaments (e.g., if someone gets injured during an event).

Combat Sports Insurance

What if an MMA fighter gets injured?

If a fighter is injured during an event, they may need medical treatment. In this case, there are two things to consider:

  • The fighter’s insurance policy will cover their injuries. As long as it has been purchased for this purpose and covers injuries sustained during the tournament, it should cover the cost of any medical care or other expenses related to the injury. It will likely also cover lost income if there is a delay in returning to work.
  • Event organizers should also have event cancellation insurance in place in case they need to cancel their events due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances that could prevent fighters from participating safely (for example, if there were tornadoes in advance of your MMA tournament).

What if a fan or spectator is injured?

If you’re hosting a tournament, it’s important to consider spectator liability insurance. This type of coverage protects the organizers and sponsors of an event against claims made by spectators or competitors who get hurt while at the event.

This is why it’s crucial to ensure that you have adequate coverage in place for both fighters and spectators alike. If someone sues you or your event organizers because of an injury, having MMA tournament insurance can protect them from legal action against them and allow them to focus on getting back in the ring or on creating a safe environment for spectators.

What are you protecting against? This type of coverage protects against bodily injury or property damage claims made by spectators that result from an accident at one of your events. It does not protect against theft or vandalism claims (you’ll need an event property insurance policy for that). How much does it cost? The cost varies depending on how many people will attend each event and other factors such as whether there will be alcohol served at the event

What is general liability insurance and what does it cover?

General liability insurance is a broad term that covers many different things. In general, it covers bodily injury and property damage caused by you or your business. The type of coverage you need will depend on the activities you do, but in most cases, it will protect against liability from lawsuits or claims.

General liability policies typically include both bodily injury and property damage coverage. Bodily injury coverage pays medical bills, lost wages, and other related costs if someone is injured while they are on your premises or during an activity at your location (e.g., going to a boxing class). Property damage covers costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged items (e.g., broken mirrors in the gym where MMA classes are held).

General liability policies also provide legal defence costs if someone sues you because of something related to the policy—this includes any legal fees incurred defending yourself against civil suits as well as penalties imposed by state officials (such as fines) when there’s been an infraction involving health codes or safety regulations pertaining to your business operations.

What does medical insurance cover?

You may be wondering if your medical insurance will cover you if you suffer an injury in a fight. Sports-related injuries are covered by most health plans, and the coverage can vary from plan to plan. Usually, it depends on how serious the injury is and how long it takes for you to recover.

If you get hurt during practice or training, your school’s sports injury coverage may kick in and help pay for any medical costs associated with that incident. If these expenses exceed what your plan provides (or if there’s no such coverage), then we recommend purchasing a separate policy that covers these situations so that you don’t have to worry about paying out of pocket for treatment related to fighting tournaments or competitions.

Karate World Championships

With the proper coverage and understanding of your MMA and kickboxing tournament insurance policy, you can focus on what matters most.

As a business owner, you want to focus on what matters most: your event. With the proper coverage and understanding of your MMA and kickboxing tournament insurance policy, you can do just that.

First, make sure that you have the right coverage for your event. It’s important to understand what is covered and what is not covered under your general liability policy. In addition, it’s crucial to know how much coverage you need if something goes wrong at one of your matches or events.

We recommend speaking with an experienced insurance broker about any questions about general liability or personal injury as well as other types of MMA/Kickboxing Tournament Insurance policies such as Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions).

The most important thing is to make sure you are covered and understand your policy. This way, if something happens during the event, you can focus on what matters most – taking care of those who were injured or involved in an accident. Visit Combat Sports Insurance or get in touch to find out more about which policies would fit your upcoming MMA or Kickboxing tournament.

combat sports insurance

What to Look Out for When Choosing a Martial Arts Insurance Company

Choosing the right martial arts insurance company is an important decision that will affect your business in the long term. It’s therefore worth taking the time to shop around and make sure you choose a provider that meets all your needs and is also affordable. Here are some things you should consider before signing up with any martial arts insurance company:

Before signing up with an insurance company, shop around for the best martial arts insurance deal.

To ensure you are getting the best martial arts insurance deal, it is important to shop around. Before signing up with an insurance company, compare their terms and conditions with those of other companies. Ensure that:

  • The policy covers all activities in which you participate (such as training and competition)
  • The cover level is sufficient for your needs (for example, most policies offer $5,000-$10,000 worth of coverage)
  • The excess is affordable if claims are made against your policy
  • The cancellation period has been thought through carefully, so that you are not penalized by cancelling early in the contract term but can switch to another company should you wish to do so later down the track

After comparing different policies offered by various insurers, choose one that best suits your lifestyle and expectations.

Combat Sports Insurance

Make sure you understand your policy before paying.

The most important thing to remember when choosing a martial arts insurance company is to make sure you understand your policy before paying for it. If you don’t understand the fine print, ask questions! Don’t sign up for a policy if you are not sure what it covers. If an insurance company asks you to pay upfront before they explain the details of their coverage, walk away, and find another provider who will give them some time and attention. Remember that this is your money we’re talking about—and if something goes wrong with your coverage down the road, having read all those terms in advance might help save some stress later on.

When in doubt about anything related to insurance or martial arts (what counts as self-defence training? Does my school need worker’s comp?), don’t be afraid to ask an expert: many state athletic commissions have staff members who can answer questions about these issues from both sides of the fence—as well as lawyers who specialize in this field. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Avoid choosing a martial arts insurance policy based on price alone.

Choosing a martial arts insurance policy based on price alone can be a costly mistake. In most cases, it’s best to choose an insurance company that meets all of your needs.

Avoid choosing a martial arts insurance policy based on price alone. Most companies will offer the same type of coverage at different rates, so you can choose the one that fits within your budget and still provides adequate coverage for your business.

You should also consider how well each company has performed in other areas before making any final decisions: customer service, history with providing this kind of coverage and claims-handling ability (if they’ve ever had any).

Make sure all sports disciplines are covered under your combat sports insurance policy.

When choosing a martial arts insurance company, it’s important to look into their policy details and make sure that all sports disciplines are covered under your combat sports insurance policy. There are many insurance companies out there that only cover one sport or style of martial arts. Make sure the company you choose offers coverage for all the sports you want to participate in, including boxing, kickboxing, MMA, BJJ and Muay Thai (among others).


Avoid choosing a martial arts insurance company only because they are cheap.

If you are looking for a martial arts insurance company, do not be fooled into thinking that the cheapest option is always the best one. While there are some great deals out there, it’s important to remember that you get what you pay for. If a martial arts insurance company has an extremely low monthly premium and a low deductible, then this could be an indication of poor service or policies. You want to make sure that your business is covered by a company that will provide excellent customer service in case anything goes wrong, as well as having quality coverage at all times.

A cheap martial arts insurance company may also have high turnover rates within their staff and therefore lack expertise in providing top-notch services. They may also have more difficulty staying up to date with changes in legislation governing the industry which can impact your ability to claim on any policies should something happen during training sessions or competitions where competitors from other countries might participate (which could result in possible complications).

Choose an insurance company that meets all your martial arts needs and is affordable.

Choosing the right insurance company is a lot more than just looking at the price. It’s important to find one that meets all your martial arts needs and is affordable as well.

Choose an insurance company with a good reputation. Reputation matters, especially when it comes to your business or personal life. You want an insurance provider that has been around for years, offering great products and services over time. You also want to choose a company that has won awards for their customer service or other accomplishments within their industry (or perhaps even outside). The best way to find out about this information is by checking online reviews from previous clients so you can see what other people are saying about them before selecting them yourself!

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, it’s important to make sure you choose a company that is right for you and your business. So, how do you go about choosing an insurance provider? Well, there are a few things to consider when making this decision:

Insurance companies will differ on some key factors such as premiums. Make sure you know what these differences are before signing up for coverage.

You should also be aware of what types of claims your insurance cover will cover if any occur during your policy period. For example, does my policy cover me if an accident occurs at another place other than my studio? Does it cover me if I’m attacked by another student while travelling on holidays? Does my business have adequate liability protection in case someone was injured while training with me or attending one of my events?

Finally, make sure the company has positive reviews online. This can give you some insight into how their customer service operates when dealing with problems that arise during their relationship with customers. Contact us to find out more about getting the right martial arts insurance cover.

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Opening a Martial Arts School: How Much Does It Cost?

If you’re considering opening a martial arts school, you know it’s going to be an investment. But how much are you going to need to invest? There are many different factors that go into this number, but as a starting point we’ve put together some ballpark figures for common expenses so you can get an idea of what your costs might be.

Cost of renting a location

The cost of renting a location is usually the biggest cost you’ll have to consider when starting a martial arts school. The size of the space you need will depend on how many students you expect to have and can range from around 100 square metres for an average size dojo, to over 1000 square metres for larger facilities.

One way to reduce this cost is by sharing kitchen or toilet facilities with other tenants in the building. If this isn’t possible, then consider renting a smaller space that already has these amenities – although this can be more expensive than having your own dedicated area with no sharing.

The cost of leasing office space in Perth CBD averages around $600 per square metre and many businesses find it difficult to afford such prices due to their lack of high demand among customers (especially compared with other industries like banking). But if there are other tenants who share these costs with you, then perhaps it wouldn’t be as much as what’s shown here; this figure could even decrease further if you were to choose a location outside of the CBD, such as a suburban or industrial area.

Gym Perth

Start Up Costs

The start-up costs for a martial arts school are considerable. You should budget at least $5000 for floor mats and wall padding. There are different variations in quality for flooring with different costs, but you can expect to spend up to $10 per square foot on a premium martial arts studio flooring system. Wall padding is another significant expense; it might cost as much as $40 per square foot.

You’ll also need some furniture, including chairs and desks for students and instructors, punching bags of various sizes (those will run you about $300 apiece depending on the quality), mirrors (which usually come standard when you purchase your first batch of wall padding), lockers or cubbies ($200 each), punching pads ($100 each) and other items specific to your style’s curriculum.

Ongoing Costs

Ongoing costs are those that you’ll have to pay for each month. These include:

  • Insurance and registration fees.
  • Utility bills (electricity, gas).
  • Salaries for instructors, staff, and administration.
  • Marketing costs (advertising).
  • Rent or leasing costs on the building itself. It’s important to note that some of these ongoing costs may be hard to predict in the short term, so try not to be overly optimistic about how much money you think you’ll make each month—it could end up being more expensive than anticipated!

Overall, you should budget around $5000 per month depending on the size of your gym, the number of students, and the cost of staff.

Marketing costs

  • Flyers
  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Online ads
  • Business cards and promotional materials to hand out at events or place in local businesses.

All of these marketing methods are important for spreading the word about your school. Marketing costs should be a small part of your budget, but it is an important part of getting new students into your school.


Insurance costs

Insurance costs for a martial arts school vary greatly depending on the size of your facility, how many students attend regularly, and the type of insurance you need. Insurance companies offer different plans based on these criteria, so it’s important to do your research and find the best option for your business.

Martial arts schools should ideally purchase general liability insurance in addition to other niche policies like property damage coverage or personal injury protection (PIP). General liability insurance can cover all injuries sustained during classes or tournaments at the school and protect against legal fees if someone files a lawsuit against you as a result of an injury. This policy also covers bodily injuries outside of normal class time including when students are practicing at home with their friends and family members who aren’t part of official training sessions at your location.

Visit Combat Sports Insurance to get a quote, or to find out more information on getting covered as a martial arts school by reading our blog: “Everything you need to know about martial arts club insurance”

Looking to start up a martial arts school?

We hope that this article helped you better understand the costs involved with opening a martial arts school, and got you excited about starting your own business. One thing to keep in mind is that there are so many variables that can affect these costs. For example, if your location needs renovations then they will add on significantly to these numbers.

Contact us today for more information on opening a martial arts school in Australia.