Month: August 2022

combat sports insurance

How To Run A Successful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy

The martial arts have been around for centuries, and practitioners have developed many different styles of fighting. One of the most popular styles is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). It’s a grappling style that focuses on ground fighting and joint locks. BJJ has gained popularity in recent years because it teaches you how to subdue an attacker without having to strike them or use weapons. If your business includes offering classes in BJJ, then this guide will help you get started on running your own successful academy!

Develop a strong business plan and consistent schedule

Your business plan and schedule will be the roadmap for your academy, so it’s important that you have a strong foundation from the beginning. As you think about what kind of BJJ studio you want to build, try to answer these questions:

  • What are your goals for this school? How do they align with your mission statement and overall vision for the future of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Australia?
  • What hours/days do most people in my community train (i.e., what’s best for them?) To make sure that we’re giving students exactly what they want out of their experience at our club, we need to know what days and times would work best with our target audience.
  • What type of training environment do we want our students coming into? Do we want them feeling like they’re at home or more like entering another world where everything is different than reality outside of class? One way to find success here is by creating an inviting atmosphere through thoughtful design choices like colour palette or art on the walls—and since these things can change quickly over time as well as require money upfront before seeing any results, creating short-term plans around these ideas can help ensure success while also keeping costs low until long term goals are realized!
Combat Sports Insurance

Choose the right location

In choosing your location there are several factors that should be considered.

  • Location: The first thing you want to do is find a safe and accessible area where people frequently travel through. A good example would be a mall that gets a lot of foot traffic or a university campus with lots of students passing through it every day. Not only will this give you an audience for your martial arts classes, but it will also make it easier for potential students and parents to get access to you and ask questions about what your business offers. If possible, try not to move from this initial location unless absolutely necessary—it can be very difficult for some businesses (especially those whose customers are mostly walk-in traffic) once they’ve moved out of their original spot!
  • Parking: In addition to being close enough for people who might show up at random during operating hours on different days throughout the week, another important aspect about choosing where exactly you’re going is whether there’s adequate parking available nearby so that guests don’t have too much trouble finding somewhere safe before entering their session at the academy itself.

The right coaching staff

As a business owner, you should never underestimate the importance of your staff.

When it comes to running a martial arts school, it’s all about having the right coaching staff and instructors in place. In this section, we’ll discuss why having the right team is essential for your success in building a successful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy.

The right team will help you grow your business by attracting students who are interested in joining your academy because they’ve heard great things about it from others or have seen positive reviews online. By hiring the right people to teach at your school, you’ll also ensure that students feel welcome while they’re enrolled there – which can lead to increased retention rates down the line!

A clean and safe environment

In addition to providing a safe environment, it’s also important that your academy be clean. A clean gym reflects the quality of the academy’s instructors and coaches. When you are teaching BJJ, one of your primary responsibilities is to keep your students safe from injury. This includes preventing them from getting sick due to uncleanliness or lack of sanitary facilities.

Cleanliness and safety should go hand in hand at your gym: keep all surfaces disinfected at all times, provide enough space for each student, provide towels for wiping sweat off after class (or before), ensure that all equipment is regularly cleaned, etc. This will help to reduce the spread of staph infections etc. which are prominent in grappling sports such as BJJ and wrestling.

A system for addressing students’ injuries and referrals to doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors

As a BJJ instructor, it is your responsibility to make sure that injuries are addressed. You should have a system in place for addressing injuries, as well as referrals to doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors.

To address student injuries effectively, you need access to an effective system for communicating with students about their injuries. Your goal is to create peace of mind among your students by giving them confidence that if they get injured in class, everything will be taken care of properly (and without cost).

A system that allows you and all other instructors involved in the academy (coaches or assistant instructors) the opportunity to communicate with all students’ whose medical issues involve themselves or their family members can go a long way towards ensuring this happens efficiently. This means having some kind of database where everyone can log on and see what’s going on – maybe even using software such as Google Docs.

Make the most of Affiliates and Sponsors

The most important thing is to keep your academy visible. You can do this by partnering with affiliates and sponsors, who will help you promote your BJJ school and attract new students to join.

Affiliates are companies that promote themselves, but also work with other businesses in the area. So, if someone were looking for a BJJ academy in their city, they might see an ad on Facebook for one of these businesses. In return for putting up their ads on your page, this company will give you a commission on every sale that comes through from having clicked on a link from one of their ads or posts.

Sponsors are companies who provide services or products like insurance or equipment that would be useful for running any type of gym – which includes jiu-jitsu schools and academies as well!

Security in the form of insurance

Having the right insurance is crucial for your BJJ academy.

It’s important to consider what you are looking to protect and make sure that your insurance covers those things. These include:

  • The cost of medical expenses if someone is injured while training at your school
  • The cost of damage that may occur during classes, such as broken glass or a damaged mat
  • Any legal fees required in compensation for any injuries sustained by students during their training session at your school (these can be very expensive!)

For more information on getting the right cover, visit Combat Sports Insurance and contact us with any questions.


There are many factors that go into running a successful martial arts academy.

There are many factors that go into running a successful martial arts academy. The first is to have a strong business plan in place. You’ll need to consider location, pricing structure and staffing needs before you open your doors. You also need to have consistent classes that run on time and match your mission statement.

Pricing structures matter too – It’s important not only what class times are offered but also how much they cost; if people think something costs too much money then they won’t come back again later down the line even though maybe it would’ve been worth it once they spent some time at one session already… so make sure everyone knows about any discounts available before signing up for anything–that way no one feels like they’re being taken advantage of simply because someone else did (even though sometimes this happens).

We hope that these tips and suggestions will help you in the process of starting your own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy. It’s not easy, but with a little hard work and dedication, we know you’ll be able to succeed! Contact us for more information on getting your academy on the right track.

Karate World Championships

How To Prepare for Your Next Martial Arts Tournament

Martial arts tournaments are an exciting and thrilling part of the martial arts experience.

Whether you’re a professional fighter or just starting out in the sport, you want to make sure that you perform well at these events so that you can win glory for yourself and your school. But there’s more to preparing for a martial arts tournament than simply stepping into the ring: there are many things that fighters should do to be ready on competition day. Here are some tips on how best to prepare for your next tournament:

Karate World Championships

Weight Preparation

Before you begin to cut weight, it’s important to know how much weight you need to lose. This can be calculated by taking your body weight in pounds and multiplying it by an amount equal to your target tournament’s weight class.

The second thing that fighters often forget is that cutting weight isn’t just about losing water from their bodies—it’s also about losing fat and muscle mass, which are things that fighters don’t want to do if they want their strength and stamina during the fight itself! If a dietician or nutritionist isn’t helping guide their efforts toward safe, healthy dieting instead of trying out some fad diets like only eating green apples or something similar (which might sound good but aren’t as effective), then they risk developing nutrient deficiencies that could decrease their overall performance during competition time as well as afterwards when they’re returning home again.


Mental Preparation

Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation. It’s something that can’t be seen, but it can make all the difference when you’re out there in the ring going toe-to-toe with your opponent. You will have to mentally prepare for any number of obstacles that come up during competition:

  • Visualization exercises
  • Meditation and relaxation methods
  • The mental challenges posed by an opponent who may be stronger or faster than you

Knowing the specific rules.

It’s important to know the rules of your ring, and what type of match you will be participating in. There are many different types of tournaments, from point fighting to knockdown karate to full contact fighting and everything in between. Know what type of tournament it is so you are ready for each round that comes along with competing in that specific type of tournament.

Eating properly and hydrating.

The best way to ensure you are eating properly and hydrating during your tournament preparation is by following the guidelines set out in this article.

  • Eating properly, not just before the tournament, but also during the week, will help with weight loss.
  • Drinking water is crucial for optimal performance both on and off the mat.
  • The right foods eaten at the right time will aid in digestion and energy levels. In addition to this, snacking between meals can be beneficial as well!
  • It’s important to eat enough food so that you’re not hungry but not too much so that it makes you feel sluggish or nauseous during training sessions/competitions (if possible). This can happen if there is too much sugar or dairy consumed in one sitting – keep this in mind when planning meals throughout each day leading up until competition day! Remember: not all foods are created equal when it comes down choosing which one might give us an advantage when trying something new like weight cutting for MMA or Jiu Jitsu tournaments. You need fuel from all sources such as protein drinks which contain some carbohydrates as well – this combination allows our bodies more energy needed throughout training sessions long term rather than short term results where other types would work better.
  • Eating well can aid in the weight cutting process. Many fighters hire dieticians and nutritionists to ensure that they can make weight while performing at the highest level.
Dietetics Nutrition

Training smart and resting properly during tournament week.

Don’t train too hard, or you’ll be physically exhausted when it’s time to compete. As the date of your tournament gets closer, try to dial back your training so that you’re not completely wiped out after the first round. Remember that this is an endurance sport—if you’re not fully prepared when it comes time for your fight, no amount of dancing around in front of your opponent will help matters.

Another thing to keep in mind: don’t train too close to the competition. It’s important not to overdo it prior to a big match. This means taking care of yourself and getting plenty of rest during the week leading up to a martial arts tournament (or any physical competition). If possible, avoid intense sparring sessions altogether during this time frame; instead, focus on practicing certain techniques that may prove useful during fights but aren’t likely cause injury if done incorrectly or excessively. Basically, what I’m saying is “don’t get hurt before competing,” which sounds kind of obvious but isn’t as simple as one might think!

Choosing your equipment wisely.

When it comes to tournament gear, you want to make sure that the equipment you wear is comfortable and protects you. You want gear that is easy for you to move in and allows for full range of motion so that you can get the most out of every single movement.

You also want gear that allows you to see out of when sparring so as not to risk injury from being blindsided by an attack from another fighter who may be less experienced than yourself or just plain sneaky! Finally, choose equipment that makes YOU feel confident because this will help keep your head in the game while on the mat during competition season!

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Avoiding sparring and heavy training too close to competition day to avoid injury and burnout.

Avoiding sparring and heavy training too close to competition day to avoid injury and burnout.

To stay healthy, it’s important to take a break from sparring and heavy weight training. This will allow your body time to rest and recover. It’s also good practice for you to focus on your strengths rather than addressing any weaknesses in the leadup to competition day itself.

It is essential that fighters get a good night’s sleep the nights leading up to their tournament; they should avoid alcohol or caffeine as much as possible, but especially in the days leading up; they should eat a healthy diet with plenty of water; they should get regular massages – all these things help calm nerves and promote relaxation before an important match or event like this one!

These tips will help you stay focused and help you have an edge over the competition

The tips and guidelines in this article can help you prepare for your next martial arts tournament. While it’s important to remember that there’s no way to know exactly how you’ll perform on the day of the competition, these tips will help you stay focused and feel confident in your abilities.

Stay focused on your mental preparation: Think about all the hard work that goes into being a martial artist, from training smartly to resting properly and eating well. Keep in mind that these things have been proven by science as ways to improve performance!

Train smart: Don’t overtrain too close to competition day; avoid sparring or heavy weightlifting sessions 48 hours before an event if possible. Rest wisely so that when it comes time for fight time, all systems are go!

You can be a great martial artist, but if you don’t prepare properly, you won’t be able to compete at your best. If you’re looking for some tips to get ready for your next competition or tournament, we hope these will give you an advantage over the competition and help ensure victory! Contact us today to ensure you have the right cover in place.


Why Martial Arts Insurance Is Essential

If you’re a martial artist, you likely know the importance of having insurance. It’s why many national governing bodies require that their athletes carry coverage in case they get hurt during competitions or classes. However, if you’re just getting started as a martial arts student or instructor, it can be hard to know which type of coverage is right for you. In this post we’ll go over the most important aspects of martial arts insurance, and why you may need a policy.


What is martial arts insurance?

Martial arts insurance is a form of personal insurance that covers the costs of injuries, damage, and loss of equipment. It is designed to protect the martial artist, your students, as well as your school.

Martial arts insurance can be purchased from an independent insurer or purchased through a third-party provider such as an association or club.

Protection against damage and injury

When you’re participating in martial arts, there is a chance of injury. It’s important to have the right insurance to protect yourself against any damage or injuries that could occur.

  • Damage to the venue: If someone accidentally throws a punch and breaks some glass or smashes into a wall, it’s nice to know that you’re eligible for compensation from an insurance company.
  • Equipment damage: Being able to afford new equipment is not easy if you don’t have an income. That’s why having coverage for broken equipment can help your finances stay stable so you can continue practicing martial arts without worrying about how much money it costs each month.
  • Participant injuries: Sometimes accidents happen during training sessions and sometimes those accidents result in unfortunate consequences—like broken bones! Injuries like these are covered by most policies and will allow someone who has been hurt while exercising their right to participate in something they enjoy doing without financial stress weighing them down too much (or at all).

Participant to participant cover

Participant to participant cover is an essential part of martial arts insurance. You’ll have coverage for injuries sustained during sparring with another student or instructor, such as cuts and broken bones. It also covers damage to property at your dojo, including mats and equipment.

It’s important for you to know that if a fight happens outside the dojo, it won’t be covered by this policy—you’ll need separate coverage for that. However, if your injury happens during class time in an unsupervised environment (like the bathroom) then you’re covered by this type of policy.

Participant-to-participant insurance will protect against legal fees if someone files a lawsuit against you because they got injured while training with you at your school or studio; it can also protect against loss of income due to injury or sickness. This type of policy also helps pay out lost sponsorship deals due to these kinds of situations as well

Employers Liability

Employers’ liability cover is a legal requirement for martial arts schools and gyms. It protects a school against claims by employees, as well as customers.

If an employee makes a claim against you, they may be able to sue their employer for personal injuries caused at work or during their employment. For example, if you were involved in an accident with one of your students and suffered injuries as a result, then the student could file a lawsuit against you and potentially win damages from your business.

In this instance, your employer’s liability insurance would step in to provide protection from any payout made by the court to the injured party (or parties) in relation to that claim. It’s also worth noting that if the accident was due to negligence on behalf of your organization—whether it was deliberate or accidental—then those responsible for carrying out such negligent acts may also be sued individually under civil law

Equipment repairs and replacements

Insurance can cover the cost of repairs and replacements, as well as the cost of any necessary equipment. Equipment includes things like uniforms and protective gear, but also includes other items such as punching bags and mats.

Example: A student participating in a martial arts class accidentally broke his instructor’s favourite punching bag during a karate lesson. The student was required to pay for the replacement of his instructor’s damaged punching bag with funds from his own pocket. If he had been insured at that time, then he would have been covered for damage to the instructor’s equipment under his insurance policy cover for martial arts classes (this is an example only). How much does it cost? It depends on how much you want or need coverage for – if your budget is tight then our low-cost plans could be ideal for keeping costs down while still getting great value from your policy! Want more info? You can find out more about where we stand when compared to other providers by visiting our website.


Having martial arts insurance is important for both fighters and team owners and can give them the peace of mind to be able to focus on their training.

Martial arts insurance can be extremely beneficial for both fighters and team owners. For martial artists, it gives them the peace of mind to be able to focus on their training without having to worry about any damage or injuries that could arise from an unexpected incident. It also protects them from financial loss if they are unable to participate in a scheduled event due to injury or illness.

For business owners, this type of coverage can protect against liability claims that may arise from accidents involving students at the studio or during competitions. This means that if a student is hurt while training at your studio, you are not liable for their medical expenses; instead, they would file a claim with his or her health insurance provider and let them take care of the cost related with their injury.

Additionally, when you host events outside your facility (such as tournaments), having martial arts insurance can help protect yourself against any potential lawsuits filed due to injuries sustained by participants during competition/training sessions outside your facility; should something happen where someone gets hurt while participating in one such event hosted by another gym owner nearby yours then he/she could sue both gyms because neither one was responsible enough

There are a lot of benefits to having martial arts insurance, but one of the most important is peace of mind. If you’re fighting in competitions or training at your gym regularly then you need to make sure that everything is covered and protected so that if something goes wrong, then it won’t cost a lot of money out of pocket for you or your organisation.

Contact us for more information on getting the right martial arts cover.


Keeping Safety in Mind When Competing in Martial Arts

Martial arts is a sport that requires a lot of physical activity. It is important to take the proper precautions to ensure you are competing safely and protecting yourself from injuries.

Consult a medical professional before competition

If you have a medical condition, we recommend consulting a doctor before competing. When competing in martial arts, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with your specific condition.

The first step is to let your doctor know about any injuries or conditions that might affect your ability to compete safely. If you’re not sure what constitutes an injury or condition, ask them for advice. They can help determine whether it’s safe for you to compete — even if there are no injuries involved!

If the doctor clears you for competition, make sure they document their decision in writing and then give them copies of all relevant documents (e.g., medical exams) so that they can easily verify this information should it ever be requested by officials at an event later down the line (this may also include an updated physical assessment every year). You should also inform coaches and other team members about any medical conditions so they can take appropriate precautions when training with someone who has one!

Invest in good protective gear

The best protective gear is going to be the kind that offers protection from most of the common martial arts injuries. These include headgear, shin guards, hand wraps and more. If you’re serious about competing in martial arts, it’s highly recommended that you invest in good quality protective gear for yourself and your students.

Why is this so important? There are several reasons why investing in proper gear is important:

  • It helps prevent injuries from happening
  • It lets you train harder without worrying about getting injured
  • It helps keep things organized so everyone can focus on what they need to do instead of worrying about their safety

Warm up before competing

The importance of warming up before competing cannot be overstated. A proper warm-up is crucial to your overall performance and safety. Here are some examples of exercises that you might use in a pre-competition warm-up:

  • Jumping jacks
  • Push ups
  • Knee bends
Drillich Action

Listen to your coaches

Listen to your coaches. They know what they are talking about. When it comes to martial arts, safety is one of the biggest factors in making sure you stay healthy and improve as much as possible.

Your coaches are there to help you achieve this goal. If a coach tells you that something isn’t safe, don’t be afraid to listen! You would rather have an injury now than later down the road when it becomes a recurring problem or even worse—a permanent injury. A good coach will always be able to show you how each move can be done safely; they will also give specific instructions on how not to get injured while doing so and encourage proper form when practicing drills and movements so that accidents happen less often in the future.

Listen to your body

When competing in martial arts, listen to your body. If you are fatigued, take a break and hydrate. If you feel pain, stop the activity immediately and seek medical attention if needed.

If you feel sick or dizzy, stop the activity immediately and seek medical attention if needed.

If you feel nauseous or lightheaded after an event, stop whatever it was that may have caused this feeling (for example: drinking too much water before sparring).

Martial arts require safety measures to ensure fighters are protected.

Martial arts are a great sport for all kinds of people. Whether you are looking to get in shape, learn self-defence, make new friends, or just want to improve your discipline and confidence, martial arts can help you achieve all those things.

Martial arts will also give you an opportunity to build physical strength and endurance while working hard at improving yourself as a person. This isn’t just another workout; it’s an exciting sport where participants will enjoy every second, they spend learning different techniques and strategies that they can put into action during competition time!

With all the risks involved, it’s important to keep safety in mind when competing in martial arts. The best way to do this is by being aware of your surroundings and limiting your risk of injury as much as possible.

Contact us for more information on staying safe while competing in martial arts.